Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leaning upon Him..

Sometime i do really felt helpless to the things around me.. things that i dun expect.. things that i can foresee yet i can't, didn't or perhap don't know how to prevent it or anticipate it.. Helpless can be scary.. cause it no longer the physical strength that counts... From young i have being through too many helpless situations... even at times now..

However through the years i know God is good! Helpless situations is only in the context of the natural and physical strength, but not in God's context~!

He turned the helpless situation around which is beyond any natural strength can accomplished. Sometime He let the situation grow out of our control to show He is in control.

He will always remind me of an old old song;


God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength
For each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness
He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today

To my Ah ma, Ah Gong, Daddy God and whoever it may concern... ^_^

Sorry.. that im not strong enough to take charge in situations that went out of control...
Sorry.. that sometime i choose to keep quiet when perhap i should say something...
Sorry... sometime i should take the courage to do something yet i didn't...
Sorry.. for not being the person u wanna me to be..

But im learning and trying... never will i give up cause He never give up on me.
To be a better person by His grace. ^_^

Wednesday, May 27, 2009



好想任性不要去面对, 真想说我无所谓, 真想不用去解释种种的误会。。


嘻嘻。。。Just a fathope thought during a small break from revision~~~~ ^_^

Monday, May 25, 2009

Appreciate people that comes into your life^_^

Everyone that come across in life represent one colour, some can be bright some can be dull and some can be colours u dun like at all.. however dun be picky abt others instead be accepting cos it the combination of all the colours that made one life colourful~! ^_^

No one is better or more valuable then anyone, everyone is as important and as valuable~! ^_^

Sometime when we open our heart to the people we think we don't like u will realised.. hey they isn't that bad after.. but to reach this stage is for us to take the first step to accept and appreciates... ^_^

Sunday, May 10, 2009


It not abt shrinking, diminishing problems while hoping a non- problematic life, rather it abt outgrowing and overcoming problems, which strengthen and mould u to be a better person for greater challenges in life. Fear and anxiety towards problems only make them overwhelmes u.. Faith, hope and positive mindset makes u overcome them.^_^

Monday, May 4, 2009

Don't give up^_^

I really believe that the point where one feels like giving up is the point one shld hold on the most with faith, cause this is the point that one is hitting bottom and God is about to make a rebound up to the new height!

There are times i really feel like giving up in the things im doing but was reminded by God that He is not looking for an all time winner but He is looking for a non-quitter.

Some asked me why am i always so happy and positive.. it because they haven't see my negative side yet.. LOL..

Yes there are time im really down..down to the max... pretty emo type but i always made a decision not to dwell too long on the negative thoughts. Remebering His love and past victories i will get up and move on for greater journey with Him.

I knew one things since the day i give my heart to God is... He love me first. ^_^